Impact of online CodeRefinery workshops

Over 1700 people have attended a CodeRefinery workshop since the project started! Since the pandemic started, we shifted the gear towards online workshops. In total about 900 participated in online CodeRefinery workshops.

Along the change in tools and practices, we changed questions in pre-/post-workshop surveys. To provide the most consistent and recent picture of our participants and impact, the below is based on data provided by pre-/post-workshop surveys answered in relevance to only online workshops. (Note: pre-/post-workshops are opt-in.)

Participants' background

Results of pre-workshop surveys (answers given by 301 persons) show that our workshop participants range from undergraduate students to full professors, and come from a variety of academic disciplines.

The chart below shows the result of a question asking about their job title, position or occupation.

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The chart below shows the result of a question asking about their academic discipline.
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What is our impact?

The long-term impact of CodeRefinery workshops is measured through a post-workshop survey which is sent out to all former participants 3 months to 1 year after attending a workshop. To date (12th Sep 2021) we received 80 voluntary responses to a post-workshop survey by participants of an online workshop.

The heatmap below shows how former participants use various software development tools after attending a workshop, and how their code and collaboration with colleagues has changed.

Please note that a part of responses answered the specific tool to different types of impact, for example, there are cases where both "started using" and "using better" was chosen for "Version control".

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The chart below shows fraction of former participants who feel their code and collaboration with colleagues has been improved. alt text


CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC).


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