The CodeRefinery project


CodeRefinery improves science by providing training and infrastructure for researchers, who often need to use computational tools but have little training in tools beyond basic programming. Our support allows research to be more reproducible, open, and efficient and thus promotes the goals of open science and FAIR data management - in addition to making the lives of countless researchers better, since they learn the tools needed to do their work with less trouble.

We are most known for our practical-level workshop about base-level practices of software development tools for researchers. We are also known for our unique and engaging online teaching style, and are building a community around this type of shared teaching.

Through our spin-off project Nordic-RSE, we serve as a hub for research software engineers in the Nordic countries, namely in Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia. Research Software Engineers are basically the professional level of what we teach, and the two-way collaboration is very productive.

We are a community project seeking volunteers to sustain what we have accomplished in the first five years.

Key facts

CodeRefinery and The Carpentries

We are basically intermediate-level Carpentries lessons and would like to work more closely with The Carpentries. Our in-person workshops are basically "Carpentries-style", though our online workshops have adopted our own unique style. Our overall philosophy is similar. Our target audience is learners who already have some experience with programming and would like to develop software in a more efficient and sustainable way. We believe that for many learners we can offer a good second step after their Carpentries workshop.

We would like to work more closely with The Carpentries and offer our lessons as intermediate-level carpentries. If you are reading this, please get in touch.

Core Activities

Infrastructure services

Our code repository hosting service is open and free for all researchers based in Nordic universities and research institutes. Please contact us if you would like to use these services.

Training opportunities

We offer training opportunities to researchers from Nordic research groups and projects to learn basic-to-advanced research computing skills and become confident in using state-of-the-art tools and practices from modern collaborative software engineering.

CodeRefinery Workshops

The key objective of CodeRefinery workshop is to grow researchers' software best practices skills to facilitate open and reproducible research.

Instructor training workshops

One purpose of our Instructor training workshops is to train CodeRefinery instructors, but being (or becoming) a CodeRefinery instructor is not required. With the workshops we also aim at building partnerships with research software engineers and researchers who are willing to lead skills' transfer within their local communities in the Nordics.

Other types of events

We have organized hackathons, get-together events and shorter workshops customized for individual research groups. Regularly we also host online Open House events where CodeRefinery instructors together with a wider community of interested people work in sprints on topics ranging from lesson development to website updates.

We're always interested in new collaborations, so if you would like to co-organize an event with us or suggest a new type of event, don't hesitate to get in touch!


CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC).


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