Want to learn about the CodeRefinery teaching style? Want to be able to run your own workshop as a livestream and invite others to attend. Want to join forces to make teaching more open, accessible, and available? Attend our community teaching training.
Our community teaching training recognizes that in the connected era, teaching doesn't have to be a solitary or small team affair. CodeRefinery's workshops are done as a broad team with many diverse roles, and this allows us to reach a huge number of people.
Tools of teaching: how to make the most out of online (and other) teaching - basic teaching hints, co-teaching, livestreaming, etc.
Workshop organization, collaboratively: our vision of teaching together outside of our silos, and how it works in practice.
Socio-technical factors: social and technical barriers to learning, why you need to care, and what you can do about them.
Lesson development, collaboratively: how to design lessons and teaching materials so that they can be open and shared.
Courses are offered as we need to (contact us if you want one), usually around once a year - but really, right now we onboard most people to our style by working together.
"Community teaching training" is much more broad and doesn't duplicate the Carpentries instructor training - attending both is useful.
The material can be found at https://coderefinery.github.io/train-the-trainer/.