CodeRefinery lessons

Lessons that we teach in our tools workshops

These are the lessons which are included in the "standard" CodeRefinery workshop, and what we believe that every computational scientist (even those with very small amounts of computation) should know.

Shorter formats

Video recordings

A number of video recordings of CodeRefinery lessons and workshops and Research Software Hour sessions can be found on our YouTube channel.

Recently we recorded a Shell crash course which can be used as preparation for those who wish to follow the course using the command line.

Installation guides

Instructor training and manuals

Special topics

Reusing/teaching our lessons?

Here you can read how you can reuse our lessons and also see a list of derivative works based on our material.

Other lessons we recommend

Here we list lessons by our partners and other lessons we recommend or have contributed to.


CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC).


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