CodeRefinery Open House - advanced git / git masterclass
Report from our open house session on advanced git / git masterclass on 14.01.25
CodeRefinery - Celebrating eight years
Continuing eight years of collaboratively teaching good enough research software engineering practices
CodeRefinery train the trainer workshop
Report and insights gathered during our train the trainer workshop in August/September 2024
Bring your own classroom to a CodeRefinery workshop
Join a CodeRefinery workshop with your own classroom and help us scale
Results from our 2024 post workshop survey
In this blog post we summarize the feedback and suggestions
collected from participants of workshops from 2022 and 2023.
Citation Information for Open Source Lessons
Discussing the current state and potential future applications of the Citation File Format for lessons
Summary of business and financing models -planning session Tromsø 2024
Discussing possible business and financing models for CodeRefinery
Why should your organization support CodeRefinery and how?
Organizations can support the CodeRefinery project in several ways to make it sustainable and can have a mutually advantageous collaboration.
In-person meeting summary: Community
What is the CodeRefinery community to you?
In-person meeting summary: Onboarding
Onboarding new people to the community
Drafting a governance structure for 2025 and beyond
We are working on defining a mission, vision, guiding principles, and a decision body
for CodeRefinery in 2025 and beyond. This is an early draft.
We have completely changed our Git lessons. Hopefully to the better.
We don't start on the command line anymore. Instead, we start in the web
interface of a Git hosting service and offer several tracks to follow the
The Modular Code Developement Lesson
CodeRefinery Social Media Strategy
Asynchronous vs. Live Online Teaching: Understanding the Pros and Cons
In-person meeting: install instructions update
We looked at the installation instructions for CodeRefinery workshops and tried to figure out how to improve them
In-person meeting summary: video production
The video production session provided a hands-on experience in what goes on behind the scenes. It wasn't that hard.
Help us do the next CodeRefinery workshop (2024 H2)
Our workshop in 2024 March went well. But we need help if we want to do this again.
Anyone want a streaming training workshop?
CodeRefinery's streaming setup is getting fairly professional. Anyone want to learn how to reproduce it?
Recap of the first week of the spring 2024 workshop
Looking back at week one of the CodeRefinery workshop and the big rework of the version control lessons
Help us make usable IDE/git install instructions
We want our workshops to be more usable than before, and that means aligning with best practices.
Workshop format
Discussions on Workshop format and how it affects lesson development
Summary from a brainstorming meeting about the project future
Screenshots and summary from our concept board.
Lessons learned from the September 2023 online workshop
What we plan to improve for the September 2023 workshop
We encourage the community to give us feedback on these ideas.
Lessons learned from the March 2023 online workshop
CodeRefinery workshop, 21-23 and 28-30 March 2023
Our March workshop is soon, and you can join alone, as a team, or as a volunteer.
Learner teams in courses
Teams can provide high-quality interaction even in large courses.
Livestreaming courses
Livestream courses have changed how we teach by allowing unprecedented scaling possibilities.
Lessons learned from the Sep 2022 online workshop
CodeRefinery Mastodon account
CodeRefinery has started a Mastodon social media account.
Video publishing supports more learning styles
Publishing course videos supports more learning styles and doesn't have to affect privacy.
Reverse hybrid teaching
'Reverse hybrid' is instructors remote, students local - possibly spread among different locations in small groups.
Co-teaching and scaling up
Co-teaching replaces (forced?) learner interaction with natural interaction between co-instructors.
Parallel chat ("HackMD") and scaling teaching
Parallel chat via a text document enables interactively at scale when online teaching.
Python for Scientific Computing open for registration and collaborators
CodeRefinery teaching strategies and the future of teaching
Outcomes from online hackathon about measuring the impact of CodeRefinery workshops
Our plans to improve our workshop registration process
Lessons learned from the May 2021 online workshop
Towards citable lessons
Lessons learned from phase 2 of the project
Bi-weekly Community Calls started
Community discussion in Nordic and Baltic countries
git-pr: painless small pull requests
Report from the Mega-Coderefinery workshop
CodeRefinery tools in action: NordicHPC
Announcing the first Nordic-RSE conference
CodeRefinery workshops moving online
Rebase vs merge
Research Software Hour
Lessons learned from running our first online workshop