Lessons learned from phase 2 of the project

The motivation for this document was to collect lessons learned from phase 2 of our project, both for our own future work but also for other future projects who may find our experiences useful. We have chosen to collect the lessons learned in bullet-point format and not in prose.

Below we list experiences and also unsolved challenges from workshop organization, lesson development, meeting minutes and decision tracking, Carpentries membership, communication, data management, stakeholder- and community engagement, and infrastructure hosting.

Workshop/event organization


  • When we started teaching in 2016, we only worried about the teaching and not about measuring how many participants from which country and from which discipline and career stage. However, we were asked to report about metrics again and again, on short notice. At some point we started reporting this in detail (https://coderefinery.org/about/statistics/) which really simplified reporting.


  • Survey should be designed considering analysis and presentation of results, as well as and what to focus on (what we want to show off).
  • When survey platform needs to be migrated to another, consider the structure of the questions and answers to avoid tedious post-processing. Over the past few years we have moved between platforms and also kept adapting questions which made the analysis non-trivial.
  • How to get a better and precise overview of "actual" participants:
    • Both pre-/post-workshop surveys are opt-in, and they should be. In principle, sign-up form should collect only very necessary information for those to be able to participate in the workshop, and thus it may not be optimal to collect learner-profile type of information via sign-up form (at least not as mandatory fields), except for cases where we need to apply priority criteria or treating participants differently (e.g. team participation, grouping according to background so that they can work on different exercises etc.)
    • Pre-workshop survey: so far submitted by anyone voluntarily upon sign-up. Not necessarily all the submitters are participating in the workshop, neither all the actual participants submitted the pre-workshop survey. It might be an idea to ask them to submit upon acceptance to increase accuracy to some extent.
    • Post-workshop survey:
      • It needs a scheduled reminder to the organizer side have consistency in the time between the workshop and the survey timing, as the survey aims to see the long-term effect of the workshop.
      • There is inevitable risks that the survey invitation cannot reach the email address registered after a half year or such, and of course we cannot expect very high response rate, either.
      • Another limitation that we need to think of could be that the chances could be higher for those who had positive impression would submit the post-workshop survey than those who had negative impression, which will naturally yield biased results.

Capacity and workshop format

  • How to afford as many as possible learners while keeping good learner experiences or even improving them.
  • How we carried out online workshops in 2020-2021:
    • Standard 3-full day CR workshop was transformed into 6-half day format, typically Tuesday-Thursday over 2 consecutive weeks.
    • Helper/Exercise lead onboarding sessions as well as installation help drop-in sessions were held typically a week before the 1st week.
    • All the exercises were done in breakout room with a group of regular members.
    • We recruited exercise leads and accepted 5-6 individual learners per exercise lead plus team registration including their own exercise lead.
    • We used priority criteria based on countries and/or institution's characteristics.
    • Problems/challenges we experienced:
      • Withdrawals on short notices and no-shows
      • Much hassles by the coordinators
      • Feedback showing both positive and negative experiences with regular members/exercise leads
  • What is the optimal format of help provision and exercises:
    • Should the group members be fixed or more ad-hoc or even hop-in-and-out?
    • Is one regular exercise lead always needed per group? One disadvantage of not-having regular exercise lead is that it takes time to call help, explaining situation etc., which eats up exercise time.
    • "Webinar (stream)-by default" with an option for joining in zoom-meeting room for extra help may work better (ref. Python for SciComp 2021)?
    • Post-workshop Q&A session time/day would be useful?
    • We have considered for the future to offer optional exercise walk-through sessions. These could be interesting not only for learners but recording of these sessions could also help future exercise leads.

Communication with participants

  • Indico's email function worked well to send information about the workshop to participants/signers.
  • We experienced few cases of typo in email address, thus we could not reach registrants.
  • Online collaborative notebook (HackMD and similar) worked well for Q&A during the lectures.



  • Long term scheduling with fixed twice-per-year schedule is probably better than juggling many calendars and trying to find a time slot 1 month in advance.
  • Planning relevant workshops/events before and after the CR big workshops will be also helpful. They include for example Software Carpentry, Python for SciComp, Hackathon, etc.

Lesson development

  • Only happened before workshops. This was very efficient but introduced stress.
  • It probably requires a calendar event to dedicate time for this.
  • "software installation and setup"
    • This is not lesson itself, but this also needs to be updated along the lesson development and improvement as well as along the changes implemented in different software programs, packages and platforms to use (e.g. GitHub).
    • The procedures need validations given diverse scenarios.
    • Introduction of step-wise procedures with prepared Conda environment worked well, we had considerably fewer visits to installation-help sessions (no statistics, though, it is staff's impression).
  • Compared to the cases where one sends PR with all the team members assigned as reviewers, lesson improvement works better when done in a pair; one takes revision work, while the other does a thorough review. Often assigning all the team members as reviewers make the responsibility unclear and ends up with the PM (or in a better case, a few regularly active members) reviews and merges.
  • It is important to make the contribution criteria clear for making lesson citable:
    • “creator”(author): significant contributions
    • “contributor”/Editor: reviewing/approving contributions
    • “contributor”/Other: smaller contributions
  • Ref: https://hackmd.io/@coderefinery/citable-lessons
  • In view of marketing as well as convincing funders, it would be worth collecting information about where the lesson materials are used. It will be an idea to have a form to submit where it can ask the following questions:
    • Institution/Organization etc.
    • Type of event and link to the event page:
      • Workshop
      • Credited course
      • Non-credited course
      • Other type (specify)
    • Which lessons were used
      • Only CR lessons (which ones)
      • CR lessons (which ones) as well as other lesson materials (what materials?)
      • part of CR lessons (where of it)

The Carpentries

Membership and use of its benefits

  • Membership tier: Platinum, 3 years (2018 Nov. 1 - 2021 Nov. 1)
  • After discount for providing the regional coordinator (RC) position (2019 Nov. 1 - 2021 Nov. 1), we paid 5,000 USD annually for the last two years.
  • Use of instructor seats and Centrally-Organized Workshops (COW):
yearused seatsbadged instructorsCOW
  • For each membership year, NeIC had 15 priority seats for the instructor training and 6 COWs without fee.
  • Regarding the membership year 2020-2021; 3 trainees who took the instructor training are planning to finish the rest of the checkout procedures within this year. 1 of them remains as pending in the Carpentries database at the time of 26th Oct.
  • RC did follow-up check-ins for the trainees who attended a training event. Regarding 2019-2020, 4 trainees from the same institute failed check-out (1 of them could not complete the participation in the training event due to absence more than an hour) despite repetitive check-ins. 1 trainees in 2020-2021 became unreachable after the training event.

Relationship with the Carpentries and recognition of CR in the Carpentries community

Regional Coordinator (RC)

  • During the period where the RC role was given as a part of tasks by a CodeRefinery project staff, the RC had an administrative role within the Carpentries on both COWs and SOWs in the relevant region. In total, appointed RC carried out administrative works on 35 workshops. In addition, she recorded 28 past SOWs hosted by University of Oslo, which were eligible to be recorded in the Carpentries database but had not been registered.
  • RC initiated the following:
  • RC explained and guided about the NeIC's membership benefit and the Carpentries workshops, as well as bridging new individuals to the region to the local community upon requests.
  • Upon the expiration of the NeIC's membership, RC in Nordic region is also discontinued.

Dissemination of opportunities to use the NeIC's membership benefit

  • Dissemination of opportunities were done via CR and NeIC website, CR Zulip chat, CR newsletter, at relevant workshops, CR twitter, etc.
  • In addition, presentations at conferences etc. (for example at "Seminar for bibliotekenes nettverk for ph.d.-støtte" (In Norway)) were also used to disseminate opportunities.

Uptake of the membership benefits

  • Benefits were generally underused, especially COW opportunities. This was partially due to the pandemic and that requests for online COW were not accepted for the first several months after the pandemic hit. Also, the difficulty in planning in-person workshops may have also influenced here as well.
  • Instructor training's three check-out procedures seem a bit high barrier for some people. Follow-up by RC seemed to have helped to some extent, for example, reminding them to apply for extension of the due date to complete the check-out, offering opportunity to join in Nordic community call as a part of check-out processes, and some advices on contribution works (e.g., translation of terms in Glosario).
  • Provision of teaching/learning opportunities in Carpentries SOWs/COWs initiated by CR might have been helping;
    • to disseminate the usefulness of the Carpentries workshops, as well as
    • to provide a "safe" place for newly-badged instructors to try teaching.
    • NB: There was a plan to attempt this idea by a SOW for 2021, and several newly badged instructors showed interest in teaching there. But then there was a request for a new COW, and those new instructors had a chance to teach there.
  • The Carpentries is also changing along time:
    • Membership price model and the price itself had been stable for a couple of years, but will be changed within 2021.
    • RC role is to be changed in the process of re-designing community development program. RC will no longer have responsibility for administrative works on workshops in the responsible region. This is also explained as due to a concern around GDPR raised by the major sponsor of the Carpentries (Community Initiatives). The discount offer of having an RC is to be discontinued.
    • The Carpentries will have online workshops as their standard option to offer in near future; it is so far only as pilot.

Meeting minutes and decision tracking

  • One rolling meeting minutes document is probably better than one document per meeting to track tasks and decisions. Creating new documents for each meeting risks that action points get lost or forgotten.

Time reporting and vacation planning

  • In the project we have early on chosen to not report hours to the project management to build trust (only report hours to the local management).
  • But in hind sight the project manager should have had a closer overview over reported hours earlier, not with a delay of months between work done, work reported to local management, work invoiced to NeIC, and NeIC management informing the project manager about hours invoiced.
  • There has been work imbalance among the team: the contribution and buy-in was not the uniform among all participating countries/organizations (taking into account different FTE shares).
  • In hindsight, it would have been better to offer more 1-1 discussions between project manager and staff.
  • Over time there has been significant staff fluctuation which is normal but every time it takes time to know the routines and grow mutual trust and to get up to speed with the tools and processes.
  • It reduces confusion to share a vacation plan: not only for the project manager but for the entire staff.

Issue/task tracking

  • The process of having a centralized task tracking was found to be difficult to implement in a decentralized team where everyone has other 'primary' projects.
  • Over the first two project terms we have tried different tools: Trello, GitHub project board, GitHub issues, HackMD, but it seems no tool replaces 1-1 discussions and more personalized task planning and one or few persons keeping the overview and re-prioritizing from time to time.
  • However, having one HackMD document that collects all tasks that we chose to work on and keeping this document across bi-weekly calls has been found useful.

Support line/ request tracker

  • We got roughly 200-300 tickets/year.
  • We have started with email to project manager but that got too much, then we moved to ZenDesk but we had to pay for each agent and it felt expensive for the very few emails we got per week.
  • SNIC has kindly provided us with the RequestTracker service which we appreciate but the barrier to authenticate using SSL certificates was too high for a cross-border project and for few staff members it took weeks or months to get access.
  • Most tickets arrive around workshops.
  • Most non-workshop tickets were to unblock GitLab accounts.

Communication within the community and the project

  • We have started within NeIC Slack.
  • We have a major problem, because we don't want to (or are unsure how to) keep lists of contacts/interested people (personal data), so we don't have a way to reach out to a broad audience.
  • Although we have accumulated a large dataset of contact information, we had to delete this information and could not use it to announce other events since we never asked registrants whether they would prefer being informed about related events.
  • We are unsure however, whether the problem with outreach is lack of tools or lack of processes.
  • One way out is to move communication to the public space which we have done when moving from Slack to Zulip.
  • Internally Zulip chat has been good for the project.
  • In addition, we have managed to engage many helpers and volunteers for each workshop.
  • When contracted staff are working on different percentages and remotely, it is important to have clear overview of who is working on what and when, otherwise it may give the feeling of unfairness. Frequent short meetings in "Standup"-format (or even writing asynchronously on Zulip or GitHub project etc.) may help all having a better overview and enable us to regularly follow up each other.
  • Minimizing the toolset has been found beneficial since everybody already has a set of tools to interact with in other projects and these tools often do not overlap or inter-operate.

Data management

  • Google Drive has served us well in the first years.
  • However, this storage was connected to a personal account.
  • Over time we used GitHub more and more.
  • HackMD was used a lot in the last 2 years of the project, both for workshops and notes and meetings.
  • We have never defined who owns the data and this created a bit of work for the project management towards the end of the project phase.
  • We should have created a data management plan.
  • Relevant to some points written in Legal questions.

Community engagement

  • There was a constant stream of people interested in becoming more involved.
  • We have activated some, but as 'communication' says above, some potential was left unrealized.
  • Growing a community requires also promoting newcomers and mentoring.
  • Mentoring also requires volunteer mentors.
  • With more mentoring and more follow-up we could have had engaged more people and more organizations.
  • How to give proper credits to the volunteer effort given to the community; do we need different "levels" as well as types (e.g. lesson contributions or exercise leads) of contributions? Ref. Supporting community champions and running champions programs
  • How to keep the community engagement up and running without "burn-out" is a constant challenge.

Stakeholder engagement

  • Steering group seems to have become less engaged over time.
  • At the beginning of the project the SG actively influenced and gave ideas and input and suggestions.
  • Over time the steering group meetings and communication grew more and more passive and turned into a reporting channel.
  • The project had only 3 short meetings with the reference group formed by national training coordinators. This was somehow beneficial to connect to national newsletters.

Infrastructure hosting (GitLab service)

  • Both the steering group and also the project staff became less interested in this over time.
  • Although the GitLab service turned out successful, it became more and more disconnected and disengaged and ended up a two-person effort (one person maintaining service, another person answering tickets).
  • The project was lacking support in GDPR-related questions
    • We felt a bit left alone with questions about data privacy and storage and collaboration. For example: how long can we keep participants' data to issue certificates? Should we keep information of the certificates issued? If so, how long, who and where eventually will keep them in case the project ends?
    • The employer organizations, preferably their lawyers should be consulted, especially in terms of making a project's privacy policy and choice of common cloud-based platforms that are inevitable to use. As an example, UiO lawyers have raised concern about using work email address for making user account of any cost-free cloud service (including GitHub) so that users don't set the same password as the one used at the work. In addition, it was not encouraged to use any cloud-service based in the US to store any personal data (even not sensitive ones) for work-related purpose given the risk that GDPR is not followed due to its server existence outside of the EU (especially in US) (Ref. Recommendations by European Data Protection Board)
    • Given its characteristics, NeIC should provide both necessary legal support on the issues relevant to GDPR and common cloud-based platforms that staff across boarder securely use. Common support email and a platform where more than one project staff can answer inquiries regardless of their affiliation is essential (see also section about "Support line/ request tracker").
    • CodeRefinery is (and has become) a very much community-driven project rather than one where only fixed staff work with written contract through the employer. Such project may have been rare, but there might be more of this type in future. Clear legal guideline for involvement of voluntary staff is needed. In this sense, working contract or collaboration agreements including data processor agreement may not be sufficient and it will need a very clear guideline about who should be able to have access to any personal information of the third parties including sign-up information to workshops, for example.
  • "Rights to work results" vs. Open Science
    • Ref: a page about "Rights to work results" at University of Oslo
    • General clarification is needed here so that everyone won't be in trouble later.
    • It should be also better explained and clarified in terms of the choice of platform for collaborative works in this regard so that staff/volunteers etc. can feel safe in using the chosen (cloud-based) platforms, including GitHub, YouTube, Twitch, HackMD, Tinyletter etc.
  • We also lacked support in questions about how to start an own organization/ spin-off.


CodeRefinery is a project within the Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration (NeIC).


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